Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 73: Tender Mercies

October 14, 2014

Dearest family and friends,

It's been a week of miracles in Cromwell! (What's new?) Since we've been looking for tender mercies as we've been reading the Book of Mormon, I feel like it's become so much more natural to notice them in my life. I love it!

One of my favorites was meeting Abdel this week. We met him in the park as he was pushing his napping daughter in a stroller. It turns out he is from Morocco, so he speaks French and I was able to communicate with him and set up a return appointment for the next morning. He is a semi-active Muslim, but he said he likes to look for truth everywhere. The lesson we had was just amazing. I feel like we left the world for an hour and had an incredibly important conversation with him. He speaks English well, so Sister Watts was able to teach with me, but she said that through the whole lesson, even when she couldn't understand some of what was being said, the Spirit was so powerful and strong. He agreed to read the Book of Mormon and I am praying we will get to meet with him again. Even if we don't, it was a huge blessing to be able to meet with him and it has built my testimony so much.
Tender mercies include: meeting him, being able to communicate in my broken and poorly conjugated French, Nat sending me a French "Preach My Gospel" and a French dictionary so I could study for Adrien when I was in Amherst, and Nat sending a French Book of Mormon that we were able to give Abdel, learning that his English teacher in Morocco was Mormon and now lives in Utah.

Another tender mercy happened when we were on a walk with one of our recent converts who is really struggling. Sister Watts was way ahead of me with the member, so I was a little on my own (don't worry, still sight and sound, people! :)), and as I looked out into the beautiful woods, I pondered and imagined how our loving Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ, appeared to a young boy less than 200 years ago in very similar New England woods. And the Spirit bore witness to me that it was true. That it really happened. It was such a blessing to feel such a powerful and sweet Spirit. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. And I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth through him. I am so grateful for that knowledge and testimony. And I pray that the Spirit can use my poorly typed words to convey the depth and the power of this testimony I am building. What an incredible evidence of our Heavenly Father's love that He not only gave His Only Begotten Son for us, but that They have called prophets again and through them have given us everything we need to return home to Them. No words are sufficient, but I am so grateful.
Other tender mercies include:
-Being able to teach a great Family Home Evening to a part-member family. The Spirit was strong and we were so grateful to spend time with them.
-Finding out that a struggling YSA who we visited has taken the challenge of making tender mercies and scriptures she knows are truth (Elder Andersen) after we talked to her last week.
-The problem we often have in Cromwell where you prepare a lesson for a member family about member missionary work, and then their non-member friend comes to dinner unexpectedly. :)
-Being able to go to the temple yesterday. I was able to get some wonderful feelings of peace and reassurance there. There is nothing on this earth to match the peace in the temple.

I need advice, family and friends. We have wanted to invite families in our ward to prayerfully set a date by which it find someone to be taught in their home and we tried with one family. They were very willing to do so, but they have tried before and have never had it work, so they felt pretty down about it. How can I help raise their faith?! I feel like I'm still trying to build my testimony of this principle, but prophets and apostles have promised us that it will work. (see  Elder Ballard's talk in 1984) I want to make this a pattern of faith that I follow for the rest of my life! Has anyone else tried it? What are your thoughts and advice?
I love you all so very much and am so grateful for all you do for me! This gospel is true! :)
Much love,
Sister Wheeler

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