Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 75: When life gives you lemons, just start laughing

October 27, 2014

Dearest family and friends,
The title of this email is probably one of the most valuable lessons Sister Watts has taught me. :)
Case in point: Monday night, we went to a member's home to help with Family Home Evening, which was great. The only problem was when we came back outside, Narwal the Brave was nowhere to be found. That has got to be one of the most disorienting feelings! We couldn't figure out if we had forgotten where we'd parked or something, but we finally realized that Narwal had either been towed or stolen. Thankfully, he was towed. (I mean, if he'd been stolen, I would've lost a roll of film I'd already shot!) We figured out where he was and the poor Elders had to come pick us up and take us there. (We're really hoping a car problem doesn't become the norm at the start of each transfer, seeing as we locked ourselves out of our car and apartment at the beginning of last transfer!) While we waited for the Elders to get there, Sister Watts just laughed her head off while we both murmured about the complete injustice of the situation (we have parked in that spot before and there is NO signage to indicate "No Parking"), and then we decided to fight Satan back for trying to ruin our night and instead talk to a guy who was walking in the neighborhood. We were able to give him a Book of Mormon! And then, when we finally got to the tow yard (after we had to stop at Walgreens and withdraw cash by buying candy and withdrawing only $20 at a time), we were civil to the tow guys and gave them a pass-along card. So we made the best of the situation and decided to see it as an opportunity to contact people we otherwise would not have. :)
And then on Tuesday, we had a total miracle! We were stressing because all of our afternoon appointments cancelled last minute, but while we were looking for a less-active member as our back-up plan, we met Janice Hughes. She actually knew the member we were looking for and was able to give us her new address. But Janice has to be the most prepared person I've ever met! And I feel so guilty because I had just been murmuring about how all we could find to teach were crazy people. She asked us if we could schedule a time to do a Bible study with her and she talked to us about some of the questions and concerns she has with religion, all of which are answered perfectly by the Restoration. I was floored. We explained a bit about the Restoration and what we teach as missionaries and scheduled an appointment to come back and Bible study with her. She even asked us for homework! And here's the kicker that will illustrate how awesome the Cromwell Ward is: she received a Priesthood blessing 3 years ago from a couple of men from the ward when the were visiting the less-active we were looking for. Just amazing. There are NO coincidences. And I now know why all our appointments fell through that day.
I just LOVE how the ward includes us and how focused they are on missionary work. On Wednesday night, we were able to teach the Young Women, at their request, how to answer questions they get from their friends and classmates. It was so fun! And they were such good sports about practicing and roleplaying. They told us we were being too nice when we were roleplaying as their friends, so we let the other young women pretend to be friends from school and they were hysterical! And they were tough on each other! It was too funny. These Young Women just amaze me with their courage and how well they respond to the many opportunities they have to share the gospel with those around them.
And ward council on Sunday was just incredible. The ward had a wonderful Harvest Party on Saturday and they spent the majority of ward council identifying the non-members and less-active members who were there, a task which would have been pretty tough for us as missionaries on our own. I just feel like this ward works hand-in-hand with us. It is amazing to serve here!

Sorry this email got so long! But I love you all and am so grateful to be here. There is nothing like serving others and having the chance to testify of Christ as full-time missionary. I love it! 

I'll end with a scripture that struck me this week. A lot of people have been mentioning the sad/scary things happening in the world right now, but as I read this verse from Moroni to his son Mormon, I felt like it applied so perfectly:
Moroni 9:25: My son, be faithful in Christ; and may not the things which I have written grieve thee, to weigh thee down unto death; but may Christ lift thee up, and may his sufferings and death, and the showing his body unto our fathers, and his mercy and long-suffering, and the hope of his glory and of eternal life, rest in your mind forever.
I know that as we always remember our Savior, we will be blessed with peace, despite what happens around us. I know He lives and that He loves us and that His Atonement makes everything possible for us. Immortality, eternal life, healing and peace, happiness, forgiveness, continual progression, and eternal families. I am so grateful!

Much love,
Sister Wheeler Jr.

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